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How to Increase Fb Likes ( Ideas , Apps ) - How to Make a Facebook Page Public ?

Do you want to know how to increase likes on Facebook? So read this post carefully because we are going to tell you about how to increase Facebook likes, it is very difficult for a new user on Facebook to make more friends in the beginning and get more likes on uploaded photos and statuses but we are using the app. You can improve likes, today I am going to tell you about the Auto Likes app, let's read what is Auto Likes.

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What is Facebook page ?

Facebook page is for promoting your business, making yourself famous on the internet or creating a profile of your business.

Creating a Facebook page is very easy, you can create your own FB page very easily, but you must have a FB account, let's learn how to create a FB page today

How to create Facebook page step by step ?

First of all, you have to open the Facebook app or you have to login to Facebook on Google, it will have to enter your email or password, your account will be login after the Facebook page is opened.

1. First of all you have to click on three dots click on page or click on create page

2. Now you have to click on Get Started or now you have to give the name of your page, enter the name you want to keep and click on Next button.

3. Now you have to select the category or next or upload your AK profile picture then enter a cover photo

4. Now you have to fill some basic information, so that if someone comes to your profile, then he will know that for what you have created a FB page, you can also leave it, now your FB page has become you from today itself. you can post your

Best Auto Liker App 2021 ?

1. fb-liker

2. KpLiker

3. AutoLikeUs

4. ApprentalCalc

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Facebook Pae Likes Kaise badhaye

What are the pros and cons of FB Auto Like ?

FB Auto Like is a kind of online tool that works on exchange system, all the apps or websites that provide this feature use the same technique to increase likes on your FB. It works like this, when you log in with FB account on any liker apps ask you to generate a token token has some rights like can like your photo by commenting in them could

In a way, access to your FB account goes to them, now the biggest question here is about FB security, what is it like auto liker apps can harm your Facebook, account, so let's first give you some tips to use So that you can secure your FB account

Tips to do it auto liker ?

1. Do not login with your real account. Rather use it by creating another fake account

2. Do not use this more than once in a day as FB considers spam or risky process due to which they can block your account

3. If you use your I account, then change your password immediately after increasing the likes

4. Do not use different liker app at once, it may hack your account

Like from comment ?

If there is a good popular page and you comment on that page, then that and you comment us, write me in such a way that the reader will click on the comment and go to your site, if he comes to your page, if he has something like this good in your page If he thinks he will like your page

Promote social media ?

It will not happen at all that you only use Facebook page, you also use Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, WhatsApp, Linkedin, etc. You can also share your good Facebook posts on other platforms. Will also come to your Facebook page


Hello friends, how did we like our post today, how do we create a Facebook page today? How to increase Facebook page likes? I hope that today's post has been useful to increase you like, if your likes have also increased, then you must tell us by commenting.

Friends, if you have liked the post, then you can share it on your social media like :- Facebook. Instagram, Twitter etc.


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